Industry News




Ottawa Real Estate Board Announces New President for 2019

On December 6, 2018, Members of the Ottawa Real Estate Board (OREB) elected a new Board of Directors for the upcoming year. The new Board will be comprised of 2019 President Dwight Delahunt, Past President Ralph Shaw, President-Elect Deborah Burgoyne, and Vice President Dominique Milne. Joining them are Directors Ken Dekker, Mitch Gauzas, Paolo Farago, Tim Lee, Andrew Ouellette, Peter Sardelis, Anne Scharf, Penny Torontow, and Debra Wright.




Ottawa REALTORS® Don’t Just Sell Homes, They Help Build Them

On September 13, 2018, the Ottawa Real Estate Board’s (OREB) REALTORS Care® Committee, President, Past President, Directors, Members, and Board staff participated in a Habitat for Humanity build on behalf of the Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation.




Ottawa REALTORS® Donate $101,268 to Local Charities

OTTAWA, December 20, 2017 – Members of the Ottawa Real Estate Board (OREB) raised $101,298 for the Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation this year and were able to provide grants to 29 shelter-related charities in the Ottawa-area. The funds were raised through the Board’s annual charity golf tournament, the “$2 per member per month” campaign, the




Ottawa Real Estate Board Announces New President for 2018

  OTTAWA – On December 7, 2017, Members of the Ottawa Real Estate Board (OREB) elected a new Board of Directors for the upcoming year. The Ottawa Real Estate Board is the city’s largest trade association with over 3,100 sales representatives and brokers in the Ottawa area.  The new Executive will be comprised of 2018 President Ralph




Show your Canadian spirit in honour of Canada’s 150th Birthday

Community events are a tradition in many cities and towns throughout the province on Canada Day. This year, the biggest celebration will be taking place in Ottawa, and according to the research, 7 per cent of Ontarians plan to be there on Canada Day.




Ontario REALTORS® one step closer to achieving tax fairness

Ontario REALTORS® are one step closer to being able to form personal real estate corporations (PRECs) under Bill 104, the Tax Fairness for Realtors Act, 2017. The Bill passed second reading today, which means it is moving onto the final stage of debate before a final vote determines if it becomes law.




Ottawa REALTORS® donate over $100,000 to local charities

Members of the Ottawa Real Estate Board (OREB) contributed over $100,000 to the Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation this year, the largest amount OREB Members have ever contributed to the Foundation. With this large amount, 26 shelter-related charities in the Ottawa-area




The Ottawa Real Estate Board announces new President for 2017

On December 1, 2016, Members of the Ottawa Real Estate Board elected a new Board of Directors for the upcoming year. The Ottawa Real Estate Board is the city’s largest trade association with over 3,100 sales representatives and brokers in the Ottawa area. The new Executive will be comprised of 2017 President Rick Eisert, Past-President Shane Silva,




Ottawa REALTORS® help build the foundation for Habitat home

On October 19th, the Ottawa Real Estate Board’s (OREB) REALTORS Care® Committee, President, President-Elect, and Board staff participated in a Habitat for Humanity build on behalf of the Ontario REALTORS Care® Foundation. This year, Habitat for Humanity GO (Greater Ottawa) is building a single-family home in Carleton Place, in partnership with their new Carleton Place