Q. I often see abbreviations on listings, but I don’t know what they mean. Can you help?
A. This chart may help you to better understand the abbreviations used in real estate advertising.
and | & |
approximately | approx. |
available | avail. |
basement | bsmt. |
bathroom | bth. or bathrm. |
bedroom | bdrm. |
block | blk. |
building | bldg. |
built | blt. |
bungalow | bung. |
ceiling | ceil. |
central air conditioning | c/a or c/air |
central vacuum | c/v or c/vac |
condition | cond. |
construction | const. |
cupboards | cpbds. |
dining room | din rm. |
dishwasher | dishwr. |
doors | drs. |
double | dbl. |
electric | elec. |
ensuite | ens. |
condition | cond. |
equipment | equip. |
family room | fam rm. |
finished | fin. |
fireplace | ffp. |
furnace | furn. |
hardwood | hrdwd. |
hot water tank | hwt. or HWT |
immediate | immed. |
included | incl. |
landscaped | lnscp. |
large | lge. or lrg. |
living room | lvgrm. or livrm. |
maintenance | maint. |
measurement | meas. |
mortgage | mtge. |
piece | pc. or pce. |
possession | poss. |
private | priv. |
property | prop. |
recreation room | rec rm. |
refridgerator | fridge |
room | rm. |
small | sm. |
square feet | sq. ft. |
throughout | thruout. |
square feet | sq. ft. |
township | twp. |
wall to wall | w/w |
with | w/ |
woodwork | woodwk |
yard | yd. |
Q. The real estate industry uses abbreviations and acronyms a lot. Can you provide me with a list of the most common ones?
A. As with any organization, the real estate industry often relies on abbreviations and acronyms to describe a service, association or designation. Listed below are some of the more common acronyms:
AACI | Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute |
ABR® | Accredited Buyer Representative |
ABRM® | Accredited Buyer Representative Manager |
AFM | Accredited Farm Manager |
AIC | Appraisal Institute of Canada |
ALC | Accredited Land Consultant |
AMP | Accredited Mortgage Professional |
ARA | Accredited Rural Appraiser |
ARM | Accredited Resident Manager |
BOMA | Building Owners & Managers Association |
CAHPI | Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors |
CCI | Canadian Condominium Institute |
CCIM | Certified Commercial/Investment Member |
CIMBL | Canadian Institute of Mortgage Brokers & Lenders |
CLP | Certified in Land Planning and Development |
CMA | Current Market Appraisal |
CMHC | Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation |
CMR | Certified in Marketing of Real Estate |
CPM | Certified Property Manager |
CRA | Canadian Residential Appraiser |
CRB | Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager |
CRE | Counselor of Real Estate |
CREA | Canadian Real Estate Association |
CRES | Certified Real Estate Specialist |
CRS | Certified Residential Specialist |
E&O | Errors and Omissions Professional Liability Insurance |
FRI | Fellow of the Real Estate Institute |
FRI(E) | Executive Fellow of the Real Estate Institute |
FRICS | Fellow, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors |
FSBO | For Sale By Owner |
MLS® | Multiple Listing Service® (a certification mark owned by the Canadian Real Estate Association) |
MPAC | Municipal Property Assessment Corporation |
MVA | Market Value Appraiser (Residential) |
OA-AIC | Ontario Association Appraisal Institute of Canada |
OREA | Ontario Real Estate Association |
PCC | Private Career College |
RECO | Real Estate Council of Ontario |
REIC | Real Estate Institute of Canada |
SRS | Specialist in Real Estate Syndication |
VOW | Virtual Office Website |